What are the features of quality Italian leather bags?
Quality Italian leather bags share common features
When shopping for quality Italian leather bags, you need to be an informed consumer. If you don't know exactly what to look for, you may end up with subpar quality or a product that won't last. In addition, knowing how to spot a genuine leather bag can help you avoid cheap imitations.
Misuri is a historical expert in genuine Florentine leather craftsmanship. The Misuri shop has stood in Piazza Santa Croce, in the heart of Florence's leather district, since 1906. The specific knowledge and skill that Misuri artisans bring to their work cannot be found anywhere else. Let's look at what makes quality Italian leather bags unique.
Genuine leather is a must
The best Italian leather handbags are made from genuine leather. Real leather is distinctive for its unique feel and scent, assuring the buyer that it isn't a plastic imitation that is made to look like leather. Misuri uses only the best genuine leather, for a finished product that's incredibly soft and one of a kind. In addition, Misuri uses sustainable sourcing, working with the hides of animals that were raised for food, so there is no waste in making the handbags and other products and accessories, including those for men as well, such as wallets and belts.
Handmade bags are unique
When you are looking for the best Italian leather handbags, you'll notice that each one has its own unique character. Leather is a natural product, and as such, it can never be standardized like something from a factory. When you examine a Misuri handbag, you'll see that it has almost imperceptible features that distinguish it from any other handbag. Those small differences are the hallmark of a truly genuine handmade leather bag. While the craftsmanship is always impeccable, the unique character of each individual piece always shines through.
The Made in Italy design difference
Another distinct difference when it comes to the best Italian leather handbags is the distinctive look of Made in Italy design. Italian design is famous worldwide for its impeccable take on elegance and timelessness. Misuri bags are crafted by Italian expert leather artisans whose Italian eye for design sets them apart from other designers worldwide. The elegance of a bag such as the Misuri Helen bag, which is meticulously handwoven in lambskin leather, is something you simply won't find elsewhere.
Another design touch in some Misuri handbags, such as the iconic Misuri Kelly Bag with Gold Center, is the gold gilding technique. This technique brings real 22-carat gold to the surface of the bag for elegant design elements. The Kelly bag is made from a full 14 panels of hand stitched leather.
Quality Italian leather handbags make a statement
If you purchase Italian bags online, look no further than Misuri for the perfect choice. You'll be getting centuries of artisan craftsmanship in your unique bag, directly from the historic Santa Croce leather district. Your Misuri bag is a hallmark of Made in Italy style that always makes just the right statement.